Sushi, Cocktails & Dr. Davis 9/28!
Sushi, Cocktails & Dr. Davis 9/28!
We average around 1300 guests per
week that walk through our doors. I can’t
begin to tell you how many ask me,
“Who is good… Where should I go?”
when it comes to getting a little
something done. That is why I have decided
to bring you the best! Dr. Davis has
been on Inside Edition, Dr. Oz, Howard
Stern, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the list goes
on. People fly from all over the world,
such as Dubai and Switzerland, for his
state of the art and advanced techniques.
His practice ranges from fuller lips that
look natural, pain-free injections, to face
lifts and non-invasive lipo that he
showcased on Dr. Oz.
So, I am telling you this because I
have decided to host a cocktail party
featuring Dr. Davis as a thank you to all
of our loyal clients at our Washington
Township location on Saturday,
September 28th @ 5PM.
Dr. Davis will be available for
complimentary consultations, photo-ops,
and will be doing a live lip demonstration
showing how natural they can look on our
very own Erica.
We will be providing the sushi and
cocktails, so all you need to do is bring
yourself! We are so grateful that Dr. Davis
is a huge supporter of Friends Are By Your
Side and will donating his time to us for free,
so space is limited!
Please call the salon at 856-582-6600 to
save your spot as soon as possible!
Hope to see you all there!