Hairstyles You’ll See Everywhere This Year

We’re well into the new year, and the professional stylists here at Martino Cartier

Keep Static from Ruling Your Hair this Winter

There’s no escaping static in the wintertime. It makes your clothes cling, it shocks

Martino Cartier Tips for Winter Hair Care

Winter is harsh on your hair. Most of us don’t think about the change

The Benefits of Martino Cartier Facial Waxing

Unwanted facial hair can be unsightly, and it can also make it difficult to

7 Hair Color Trends for 2021

We often see hair color trends making a comeback into the new year. The

Holiday Shopping Made Easy at Martino Cartier

The holidays are near, and time is running out to get your shopping done

Makeup Tips for Great Holiday Photos

With the holiday season in full swing, you’ll need to be ready for all

Have Some Fun with Trendy Fall Highlights

If you’re looking to update your style or just want a change for the

Fresh New Haircuts for the Cool Months Ahead

Looking for a way to vary your style this season? If you’ve been wearing